Sunday, January 4, 2009


Patriotism means an attachment to and love for one’s country. Poets tell us that man loves his motherland simply because the world is too vast and he can not love the whole of it at one time. But let us add the love of one’s country, if properly developed, is capable of extending to the entire world. So it is natural that we should love our country because we breathe in its air, we live under its skies and we are a part of its soil.
Men love their country, not because it is great, but because it is their own.” ~Seneca
This is why even the lee landaus have a love for their snow-covered country, which it is difficult, for others, for others even to imagine. Thus patriotism is a natural virtue born out of a sense of affection towards the country which has brought us up like a mother.
But is quite easy to see that like many other good qualities patriotism is liable to be abused we should not be narrow-minded patriots. Often the love of one country is supposed to mean hatred towards other countries. This is unfortunately misguided view of patriotism. People who are blind to the claims of other countries say, “Our country-right or wrong”. It is this type of patriotism that we should guard against, because a narrow-minded view of patriotism often leads to misunderstanding, jealousies and wars. A little thinking will convince us that a thing cannot be both right and wrong at one and the same time. In a war both the sides believe that they are fighting for justice and one patriot kills another patriot, all the while believing that this patriotism is superior the patriotism of his enemy. This attitude is very dangerous, and therefore, it should always be avoided. Mankind is one and countries and raced are only various branches of the big family of mankind. Hence it is foolish and dangerous to be narrowing minded in our views regarding patriotism. keeping this fact in mind however, we must always try to cultivate the right kind of patriotism, but this is no argument to say that because a thing is capable of being abused it should be given up altogether.
Patriotism has just this weak point but there are many good points worthy of being cultivated. For instance, the love of one’s country may develop into a love of mankind a man who is incapable of loving his own country is even less capable of loving any other land. It is in this sense that true patriotism makes us great and teaches us to love mankind as one family created by one god and governed by the laws of one universe a true patriot therefore will never like to say such things about other countries, as he would not tolerate about his own country. It is important that we should create in us the qualities of a true patriot. This may lead us to the love of humanity as a whole.
Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.” ~ Oscar Wilde
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Saturday, January 3, 2009


About two hundred years before, the word "computer" started to appear in the dictionary. Some people even didn't know what is a computer? However, most of the people today not just knowing what is a computer, but understand how to use a computer. Therefore, computer becomes more and more popular and important to our society. We can use computer everywhere and they are very useful and helpful to our life.
Computers have brought about a tremendous revolution in every walk of life and are expected to open more vast fields due to the dexterity of those who design software and those who develop application programs. In a very short period, scientists have been able to extirpate all the defects, the limitations and the shortcoming of computer and much is expected from their ingenuity, acumen and acquisitiveness.
The fields of application of computers are various and new applications are being searched out. The scientists applied it to prediction of weather earthquakes, and storms, controlling of satellites and controlling of atomic reactions in reactors and else where. Engineers have not lagged behind. They use computers in designing cars aeroplanes, ships, buildings, bridges and tools etc.
In the business world, computers are playing great parts. They are used to word processing, record keeping, inventory controlling, patrol processing, account keeping and auditing, stock marketing and ticket reservations. They are now used to keep personal telephone and address directory. Business concerns user computers in forecasting demands and planning to meet them. Manufacturing concerns use them in forecasting material requirements, inventory management, production scheduling, control and other purposes
Bank now use them to keep records of day to day transactions, keeping accounts and managing over all investment. Computers have been placed at the hands of bank customers. This provides facility of making withdrawals at odd hours. Financial houses take the help of the computers to make their credit cards a medium of exchange. For entertainment purposes, computers are now used to play complex games, I.Q games and stimulation game. Computers have also played a vital role in communication field. It has become so advantageous that the 21st century is being called “information century” because information can easily be transferred from one place to another within seconds by using internet. We can convey are messages , send reports with audio visual accessoriAbout two hundred years before, the word "computer" started to appear in the dictionary. Some people even didn't know what is a computer? However, most of the people today not just knowing what is a computer, but understand how to use a computer. Therefore, computer becomes more and more popular and important to our society. We can use computer everywhere and they are very useful and helpful to our life.
Computers have brought about a tremendous revolution in every walk of life and are expected to open more vast fields due to the dexterity of those who design software and those who develop application programs. In a very short period, scientists have been able to extirpate all the defects, the limitations and es through e-mail.
But computers don’t have only merits. As all man0made things have their limitations, weaknesses and shortcoming, so are the computers wrought with them. Firstly they have inflexibility. They understand only symbols. Secondly they need detailed instructions to work. Thirdly they are costly and their peripheral devices are far most costly than the equipment themselves. Fourthly the cost of maintenance is also high. Fifthly the cost of operation in terms of staff and material is expensive. Sixthly in particular circumstances stored data may be completely lost, seventhly they are susceptible to destructive programmes called virus and eighthly they need extra care in handling and maintenance.
Despite the aforesaid frailties, foibles and faults they are tempted with, computers are widely acclaimed, intensively used and blindly relied upon. Their applications are increasing in various fields and they are expected to do services so far not imagined by man
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Men love to wonder and that is the seed of science” (Ralph waldo Emerson)
Modern science has evolved over long period, and has now reached the peak of success. It has worked wonders in our life, but it cannot be said that is altogether a blessing. The fear of war and destruction hands over out heads all time. In order to understand the creative and destructive aspects of modern science, we stand in need of an analysis that will help us differentiate between the good and the bad.
As we look over the bright side of the achievements of science, we come to realize that there is hardly any sphere of life that has not been enhanced by the creative abilities of man. In the field of medical science knowledge and research has gone to such an extent that almost all the ailments have found a cure.
In the realm of communication, modern scientific inventions have helped a lot. The far flung corners of the world have been linked together with a wide spread air net work. Distances have lost their meanings and thousands of miles can be covered with in hours. Travelling today is not only swift but also full of pleasure and luxury
Modern science has opened new vistas of entertainment we are provided entertainment at home and we owe it all to science. Readers are provided illustrated colorful books due to the blessing of modern science in the form of latest printing machines and techniques. The advantages if science is not restricted to the urban population. In the fields of agriculture, forestry and fishery,. Science has provided the rural population with the latest implements. This keeps on moving the nations on the path of progress and prosperity. On the other side, we cannot help coming to the conclusion that science is also the monster of death and destruction.
Man has gained knowledge in the field of science but due to lack of wisdom, he is misusing this knowledge. All big nations are thinking of fulfilling the dream of becoming the super power. The wars of today are not limited to the battlefield. It brings about epidemic killing of the civilization population. Science no doubt provides new ways of entertainment but these very means of amusement are bringing a sharp decline in the moral values of the young generation and equally sharp increase in the number of crimes.
We conclude that science by itself is neither good nor bad. It is the will and intention of man, which makes him, put him to the constructive use or takes it to the path of devil.
The most remarkable discovery made by scientist is science it self” (Gerard piel)
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In present day world, the paper media is playing a very important role in our society because it brings latest news and so many other literary works to our doors every morning. The paper addicts do not take breakfast until they go through the newspapers, newspaper are read everywhere whether it is home or office, shop or hotel, market of stock exchange. Some read to commercial point of view, some for noncommercial some for world politics and some for the country politics, come read for film future, come read literary or additional columns hence, the newspaper Medias cater the taste of all people having different taste and desire one from another.
There is a large number of circulations of newspaper with different names, but the daily Jung and dawn are widely read. These two papers hold a standard ion the eyes of the readers because they provide almost all sorts of news and other features based on correct information. That is why, the news of these two papers are takes as authentic. The other newspapers like the NEWS, the nation and the Nawa-e-waqt etc. hold respect in the eyes of readers. But some other circulations are worse and cheap. They nor only provide baseless news, but also corrupt the mind of readers with obscene writings and nude pictures. However, the fundamental objective of newspaper is to provide correct and authentic news, and not spread trouble in the society with baseless and unfounded news. Moreover, it helps in diplomatic relation with the countries in the world. This Medias has been able to spread literacy in our uneducated society.
Newspaper can play a constructive role if this media has freedom to pronounce the public voices. It has been observed that if this media tries to throw the light on the crimes and injustice done by the aristocrat to the people of poor class of the corruptions in which high officials of the govt. are involved.
In short, the newspaper media has played a healthy role in out society. It has developed social, political, economical and civic awareness among the people across the country. So, its value in our society cannot be denied.
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